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ahahahahs nothing to post today.. today go track. then northpoint. then dp. then huamin pri help miss ong.. do some stuff.. then go home!! no mood to post so little little can l okiie buh-bye |
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today go cut my hair!! XD verii ugly.. the frindge lieks hyt sial. luckily now june hols still got time to grow back.. (i hope?) but don care lahs. beauty is but skin deep.. wakakaks. ok some jokes here.. Caller : Hello, can I speak to Annie Wan? ( anyone) Operator : Yes, you can speak to me. Caller: No, I want to speak to Annie Wan! Operator: You are talking to someone! Who is this? Caller: I'm Sam Wan (someone) And I need to talk to Annie Wan! It's urgent. Operator: I know you are someone and you want to talk to anyone! But what'sthis urgent matter about? Caller: Well... just tell my sister Annie Wan that our brother Noel Wan ( no one ) wasinvolved in an accident. Noel Wan got injured and now Noel Wan is being sent to the hospital. Right now, Avery Wan is on his way to the hospital. Operator: Look if no one was injured and no one was sent to the hospital, then the accident isn't an urgent matter! You may find this hilarious but I don't have time for this! Caller: You are so rude! Who are you? Operator: I'm Saw Lee. (sorry) Caller: Yes! You should be sorry. Now give me your name!! |
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today.. go asm a museum lahs.. verii sianz.. then got break.. eat le.. then me and xue ting.. go chong pang.. buy that zhu zhu book. thenw e also buy the magnetic earing.. then.. we go write.. write.. then i go for track.. then got one activity.. each time we run 400m.. we take one sweet.. then i continue to run for 30min. then i got 9 sweets. that means 3.6km lahs then alst round.. i walk whole round with zi hao.. then when near mr RA-WOOF there.. we run.. then challenge him sprint.. then saw mei xin^^my girlfriend then go back gym.. i finally got my jersey and spike shoes!! yipee.!! this calls for a celebration! who's in? not my treat^^ then go home with jeremy.. then at front gate bus stop.. saw sili. serene sonia. so go with them lorhs then go home lers!! tml going cut my hair^^ and.. june hols going be damn busy!!! ok nth to post liaos. byes! |
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ahhss.. nothing much to post.. today go to northpoint with pamela.. and and take neoprint OUI OUI! then go home lalalas~~ and aslo bought alot ears stick when i only got 2 piercing.. hahas. okiie.. byebyes i look forward to tomorrow. may tomorrow be a better today full of suprises joy. and TRACK AND FIELD muhahahas |
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if you want to whack jun ming please go to this link below=] http://www.dluxproductions.com/games/yougame/view.php?gamename=whackayou2&imageID=793a9159b6fb9159bc0344a2332b0813&name=jun ming go to this link and play a verii fun game i kinda make it? |
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today.. after school.. xue ting and rina go my house.. then we all go to northpoint.. then take 969? to yishun stadium... actually was to take 965 then its FULL untill cannot full.. then saw jobez right at the entrance there.. then luckily wei wen tell me to take 969 tanks wei wen i love yous! if not we all surely late liaos then i went there.. first thing.. find a good spot.. then go buy cup noodles.. i was starving!! then eat eat le.. rest 15min.. force pei sin to go out run with me.. then she go... then was suppose to run one round de.. then i just force her to run 2 rounds wakakaka then came back.. drink green tea.. LOTS. then 1min later.. its my turn to run!!! then i so damn bloated and tired.. then don care lahs just run.. then before the race.. i so scared.. i keep pinching pei sin.. then when the race started.. i was wayy back! then about 1/4 of the round.. i became like third? and remain all the wayy then pei sin was behind me all the wayy. then got one time elaine slow down.. then actually can catch up de.. but i m just too tired.. i scared the grand finale i no more strenght then cannot chiong all the wayy.. then left one last round.. everyone was like cheering for me like mad? then i tot the race end liaos.. but then one more round!!! nightmare sial then just continue... then when close to the finishing line.. i saw pork they all cheering for me.. i sprint.. hahahs and got 3rd! i am proud of it.. then i verii show off.. i went back to my place.. on the wayy.. i wave as if i was the president to fadhill.. and SMILE=] then eileen and wei wen verii good.. cheer me each round=] hahas.. then after the race.. i like want to die want to die.. then i justs it there rest... then go home.. hahas. ok thats the end no picutres today.. tata!! |
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![]() HAPPY MOTHER DAY to all the mummies in the whole wide world=] |