Happy Birthday Renice Darling! love her-13143344184! x333333333333s
We baked cake today! After school chiong to Northland go library borrow recipe. Which in the end isn't needed at all
We bought two packets, one ofr us to experiment, sample.. to put into badder words, to eat; First one put a lil too much water. And we bake that damn cake for an hour! Then our cake damn funny lehs! Got alot smiley faces! One at the top one at the base.   Damn cute luhs this face! Eye; credited to m&n Nose; credited to toothpicks
 Smile, even it can't be seen. The base... Caution@ the smile is natural... 2nd cake Turns out fine.. Except it looks like a volcano.. The middle part will crack and shoots up! so we go cut away lor Make a frame and eat the 'skin' Nice lehs. Decorated it with m&n More decorations will be put on it. Played with cream!  Hahas we look like siao ginas
Indeed.. Then Jamin and kennethon came back then we 'party'! they bought.... ROOOOOOOOOOOOT BEEEEEEEEEER! WEETS! Names for everyone; My masterpieces hahahs! Used; cream  For me!  For Rachel!  For Jolene!  For Jean!  For Kennethon!  For Jamin!  For Amelia!  Decorated with m&n! too bad Amelia and jean didn't saw it . They went home early.  Done by;; Rachel. K or N? K lahs! k k k k k k k
K lahs!
i confessed to him today;;