I finally finish this post:D Enjoy!
I'm lazy to post every single thing, only some important ones bahs. 1st day 18may 2008
 Son&Mother, in the bus, 2nd day 19may 2008
 Look at this restaurant, its on the water, outside very pretty hor? But then right!~ inside the food damn dirty! the veg got one DAMN big bug!! OHMYTIAN mytiantiantian! SO! Never judge a book by its cover! 
Pei Sin,Rina and Me de food pyramid . Things bought from Shanghai de supermarket
4th day 21may 2008
Oriental Pearl TV tower
 View from dong fang ming zhu ta Early shanghai and development museum Rina, Peisin,Mrs Chew, Me, Bernice, Pei Ying   Our tour guide,  ChengHuangMiao!  ChengHuangMiao is famous for their xiao long bao, but I don't think so.  Things I brought from ChengHuangMiao  Hai Bao, China 2010 Expo mascot :D  I've something to intro, and that's the famous Bing Hong Cha, Ice red tea. In my class almost everyone is drinking it, and I also want try! then my buddy did by one for me. packet de. But above de is GuangLiang buy for me and Rina de thanks! ^^ actually taste okok la. Not very nice but still, to them, its nice! hahaha! 5th day22may 2008
 The 'little' misses. And we went for 4D show. 12minute only but damn cool la! Know what's 4D? Its 3D plus real effects Eg:got rain then got water come down. Got lightning then will have flash Got things shaking, the seats will shake. Damnnn cool la! We kena watered twice.! 6th day23may 2008   I think this dog is damn cute! I like its hair! Look like mine eh! Can anyone tell me what species this dog is?  View from Huangpu Jiang at night. (Huang pu river) Went to cruise. Actually view is damn nice la, but my camera sucks T.T 7th day24 may2008
On this faithful day, we went to Su Zhou. &We need to stay in a HOTEL. HOTEL sounds so harmless right?!
But you're wronggggg! I mustmustmustmustmust tell you what happen!
Firstly, me and ShuHong sleep in the same room. Then we al lneed to slot in the hotel card to have electricity right?! So Mr Tee help us slot in. Then all the lights lit up.
Then when we(me&shuhong) went in, ALL THE LIGHTS SWITCHED OFF.WAS DARK YOU KNOW?!
Cannot see anything. The we scream la! This thing continues twice.
In the end Mr Tee had this BRILLIANT idea that we need to lock the door so the lights won't be off. So, us, believed him! So we, plus one senior, Fiona, went in AND LOCK THE DOOR.
Few seconds only leh, the lights off! Whole thing black leh! cannot see anything at all!
Then of course, the three of us SCREAM all the way till we get out, our screams could have broke a glass!
when we were inside we struggle to find the door leh! Then I keep holding Fiona's hand damn tight T.T
Then at night don't dare to BATH! BUTBUTBUT! I did bath in the morning:D
9th day26may 2008   Me & Wu Yu wei I really miss&love my buddy! T.T She looks like my sister in both photos! ><  Rina's buddy, Ye Zi Wen, I always call her Ye Zi(leaf)  Guang Liang and his buddy, Micheal Micheal is my buddy, Wu Yu Wei de ex. LOL!  Our class, Chu yi 7 ban Sec 1 (7)  Us with english teacher, Chen Lao Shi, which is also our class form teacher.  My buddy gave me this soft toy :D Damn cute~ As cute as her! 10th day 27may 2008 The last time seeing my bed :(  Gifts for everyone. Bear-XueTing hello kitty-Si Min S keychain-Serene First three present are shared by me Pei Sin and Rina Panda key chain-Wei Xiong 2Astro boy sweets-Wei Ming&Cheng  Sunset view from plane. NICE! Every morning We need to run 2rounds (400m) with hostel de people. And march down from class to courtyard and do morning exercises with school. And you all should know how much I love marching. And they got background song when you march one, damn cool! And their command also very cool!
Classes English My favourite subject there can?! cuz its mainly the only subject I can understand fully. Although their chinglish abit broken broken..and the English teacher likes us! She is also our class form teacher.
Classes Maths The second subject that I can understand. But not fully la! Hahaha! The maths teacher is hated in class la, but I still think its okay anyway.
Classes Science No one in class ever listen in class! LOL! And science don't look like science can!? Look more like geography cux we all study about the poulation!
Classes Art Interesting :D We learnt about fashion
Classes Geography Don't understand at all.
Classes Chinese C.C=Chinese Cheemonology! Chinese is aka 'cheemonology world.' Cuz I bloody don't understand anything except for SOME la. The teacher teach until very nice la, but I still don't understand. and once the teacher gave us things to read around 6 pages. I still haven't finish page 1 then all my cheena friends finish the whole thing liao WTHH?!?!??!
MORE! And you know their Nafa test only need to run 800m ONLY! No sit-ups blahblahblah
Didn't had chance to attend some lessons like, french lessons, wai jiao, PE Sadded
School toilet 1.no mirrors 2.90% of the cubical cannot be lock.
School Food Jin Cai got 2 schools. One school got canteen one don't have.
So every morning we walk to the school with canteen to eat then take school bus to the school without canteen to study.
And their food is damn oily. And there's something very funny. Because their utensils only have chopsticks and we had to use ONLY chopsticks to eat porridge!