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♥ Meet my twin sister!
posted by 落霞绘伈 on Monday, June 30, 2008 at 8:52 PM.
Hello people, I recently just found my long lost sister. So let's let the pictures talk! Don't keep the pictures waiting!

IQ Test Score

and I'm extremely brilliant!

♥ Happy Belated Birthday PPY!
posted by 落霞绘伈 on at 3:15 PM.

hi people! Yesterday was damn tired to post so I shall post what happen yesterday NOW.

As you know.. yesterday was my dear Peh Pei Ying's birthday, and me as a very good 'dear' to her, will of course celebrate it with her!

So one day before her birthday, when PPY(pehpeiying) asked us(me and manping) to go out, we all bluff her that we can't. And other than us no one can go out liao, if not it's just boys only. That was Man Ping's clever idea ^^.

Then PPY was damn sad that we all couldn't come lorhs. I think she cried, and she really did..SHE WAS SO DEVASTATED AND ANGRY WHY SHE WAS BORN ON 29 JUNE! SHE HATED THAT DAY... but I guess everything came out to be a twist for her! :D

So in the morning me, Man Ping and Nigel met at northpoint at 9am. We have to meet as early as possible in case PPY went out with her parents. (Precaution one noted!)

Precaution two noted is I told PPY to NOT go out before afternoon because I want to show her something online. Then she say okay. So she WILL be at home before afternoon.

THEN. We went to buy cake. and went to her house downstairs to prepare her cake, candles and card.

Lit the candles up and took a photo1 ;
Took lift upstairs then we have to make sure that she is by the window side so that she will suddenly see us.

So I called PPY's hp from outside. Then i know she will surely use her house phone call me back one because her hp is prepaid. Then just nice her house phone beside the window.

Then me(singing bdae song), Man Ping(holding card) and Nigel (holding cake) pop out and she saw us.

Want to know what her expression is?! Laugh laugh-smile smile-laugh smile. Don't want to laugh or smile. or CRY(tears of happiness).


So we sang the bdae song again~ and we cut the cake! It was chocolate! and it was big and it was delicious! yummmay~
PeiYing and her cake!
Look at the little miss naughty but look-like-little-miss-shy now.

After that Rian came, went to meet XueTing. Xue Ting waited for us to reach Khatib MRT for 25 minutes! This is the first time I'm so late. hahaha, probably hanging out too much with Jer they all the famous late kings and prince.

Went to NP. PPY they all want to go AMK to watch movie. Then I no money so XueTing came to my house. To watch me SLEEP! yeaaa!

Everytime she come to my house, when she snatch my computer, I will feel damn sleepy then sleep. So she and the computer can have their 'er ren shi jie' together^^. See I'm so good.

At night went to meet PPY again, for dinner. After eating went to 900+ de one big space and sat down to play true or dare ^^ Everyone kena one true! HEH HEH! We are to tell who we like(okay lameee).

After that went to buy facial mask! Lemon esscense!


Hope you have fun yesterday! ^^ It's nice knowing you and I've never regret that! Although we don't talk heart to heart stuff but you were always there to pei me go out and NIGHTLIFE! WooHoo! Aso want you to know that your friends will always be there for you, especially your birthdayyyyyy!

&& I love Peh Pei Ying, Ong Man Ping and Lee Xue Ting! ^^

♥ Spammers
posted by 落霞绘伈 on Sunday, June 29, 2008 at 12:43 AM.
I really find this comical eh.

Many people in their blog say they don't give a damn about spammers.
And those people who say they don't care/i don't entertain spammers, often scolds back the spammer(which is your first mistake), and write a whole load of craps in your post about the spammer.

Actually you mind a lot, so say it! or just don't say that you don't care about the spammers!

Actually normally many people don't know what's the real meaning of spammer. is sending multiple messages which are either the same or many.

but sometimes people just scold you once or twice and you people call that spamming. WTH?
so.. you all should be like me! Who really don't care and don't show it, when I receive any anonymous tags but not insulting, I will delete and ban them at once, spammings from anonymous, ban, all anonymous i will ban :D

♥ Toy&Comic Convention cum AuditionFair
posted by 落霞绘伈 on Saturday, June 28, 2008 at 11:07 PM.

Hi people!
The title will only makes sense at the end of the post with a blockquote.
Firstly today went out with BERBER!(bernard) xiaoHUANG(qi huang), Rina.
Before that met Xueting for lunch ;]

Went to Suntec to watch the Audition competition, got many free things, note, FREE THINGS!
Know why I fancy free things today? Because I declared bankruptcy yesterday.

Okay la, I'm nto really broke, I still have $10 but then I want to make it a habit to deposit in to my POSB everyweek :D

So I can be rich tai tai u'knowu'know.

Moving on, went to support guild members! LALA! He went for the next round! yay!

And we got many goodies! 5 inflatable asiasoft 'balloons'. 2 gunbound model paper. many luckydraws. 6 CANS OF WHATEVER.

You know how the whatever taste like?!

Taste like whatever!

It's so diluted and taste expired?! Conclusion is it is not nice la.

After that went to toy and comic convention as planned.
Walkwalk, but nothing much.

Yes! And we successfully stop BERBER from camwhoring. (maybe not?)

Went to eat dinner at causeway.
WALKED OUT from pizza hut AGAIN for the 2nd time without ordering anything.
We walked for 1hrs++ before settling down to eat some food.

trained to yishun with rina and went to meet weiming the noobface!

Walk me home and chat with him until 10+ that's very long u'know~

Is serious de cry okay. Why I cry only Wei Ming know because is he make me cry one kaykay!
Will upload pictures once BERBER uplaod ^^

Ok, there's something I really want to say. I'm glad so many people visit my blog but there are many many funny searchers!
Let's see the searchers who they search themsevles which I think is bo liao and other people who search other people who is MORE bo liao (cuz are they trying to stalk?)
-salizan singapore
-jobez koh
-"boys toilet" blogger( WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?)
"ke xin" aiss
-rina tan
-rina 1e5
-jean seah
-aiss rina 1e5

AHHH now I know which Rina is it liao, I though my class one.
HEH HEH, aiss rina 1e5, don't let me know who you are/ see you in school, because I won''t be able to hold my laughters

Now for the blockquote :D or maybe D:

Peh Pei Ying, I'm really really really sorry that I can't celebrate your birthday with you tomorrow D; Is not that I don't want to, is jsut that I can't turn up, and you never book me early.xD
You still got other friends than me right?! So don't feel so sad lehh! I can see from your msn expression liao lorhs. You say you hate 29 june(your birthday) but you can't hate it jsut ebcause of your friends right? you peiying leh! Your friend not only me ma. So cheer up kayeskayes! Who know something good may happen to you in the morning? You never know :D Don't cry or be sad anymore kayes! If not I would be more! T.T cherrios!

♥ hilarious?
posted by 落霞绘伈 on Thursday, June 26, 2008 at 10:29 PM.
Okay people, I explored nuffnang once again, and for some things they search no either yahoo or google, it just somehow link to my blog. Maybe they trying to see who got write their name on their blog then go see if its a good thing or a bad thing..MAYBE!

But there are some names from MY SCHOOL , which actually links to my blog, AND THEY A ACTUALLY CAME TO MY BLOG.

So these people (maybe they them selves,)
: first one is, 'kexin aiss'
:second one is 'rina tan'
:third one is 'jobez koh'

Nehmind, I shall go search mine too =p.

♥ High blood Pleasure
posted by 落霞绘伈 on at 9:36 PM.
Title credits to Ng Guang Liang, with his pro pronunciation, high blood pressure becoming high blood pleasure isn't hard anymore.

&&Thank you to everyone & PEH PEI YING, BERNICE for writing me get well soon letter! x3!
Although I'm not very sick but it's the thoughts that counts!
ILY all ~! :D

I shall now go do my next masterpiece :D
I've many ideas nowadays so I shall not wait for the inspiration to be gone! see ya later alligator! -.- okay, lameee.

you can't call her a bitch when she gives difficult questions and you are not able to do, firstly the questions aren't difficult, and don't blame her, blame yourself for being stupid, you bobba.

♥ new skin.
posted by 落霞绘伈 on Wednesday, June 25, 2008 at 11:40 PM.

OHMYGODNESS, look at my new skin:D bobba:D
anyway this is not counted as a master piece because my masterpiece only consists of brushes.No pictures.
So yeah, this is the nicest so far.

♥ Drama:D!
posted by 落霞绘伈 on at 8:32 PM.
Written by PhuaSiMin
Hi people!
Today drama was so bobba de cool that I want to tell you what happen! But then I'm lazy to type, so I copy from SiMin' blog, anyway also same content can liao.

Jia Lin - A random person
Pei Sin - Peace maker
Me - Juliet (?!?!)
Mayank - Romeo/thief (?!)
Xue Ting - never act because she need to go for her baskeball thing.

The play goes like this...
Jia Lin, me and Pei Sin are walking down the 'road'. Jia Lin is talking on the phone when suddenly someone(Mayank) ran past us and snatch her phone away. Mayank fell down and Jia Lin grab his shirt and shouted 'WHY DID YOU STEAL MY PHONE!' and gave him a slap. Thus, I screamed "OH MY GOD!" *started screaming at Jia Lin* "WHY DID YOU HIT MY ROMEO!?" and thus, the conflict started! And this is the arguement!

"WHO ARE YOU?" - Jia Lin said something like this
"I'M JULIET!" - Me
( Everyone started laughing at here like some maniac that I couldn't control my laughter and argue and laugh at the same time )

*Ended here because teacher told us "Okay very good!" And didn't let us continue arguing T.T...*

After school went to find noobface a.k.a TanWeiMing!
He gave me a HOOOOT PINK acrylic with my name on it! :D
How did you know I like pink? Especially those damn HOT one?!

Left early for track because stomach was pain again, so went take bus home.
Was so tired that I slept on the bus and missed my bus stop! Then I lazy walk back so take one full round.
You know I like to sleep on places like buses, MRT. Each time I sleep got people always take photo one lor! First one is TanWeiMing, then PehPeiYing then LauHweeChi!
With them, I finally know how I look like when I'm sleeping, and mind you, I'm really asleep!

♥ Flu ;[
posted by 落霞绘伈 on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 at 11:18 PM.

Hi people! I think I'm sick! I'm having a flu.
I have severe nose block, guess I don't need to sleep tonight.
From just now(time I came home) till now, I've been chionging Maths, Geography project, Art, Literature, Science and I'm still not done yet!

Know why I'm blogging? Because I'm on my recess break now. Shall not do Pei Ying's quiz currently, because I'm bobba de busy, tomorrow still need go track, thursday need do literature project, friday need go track, saturday need go out(?) and do art, Sunday most probably need do some homeworks from friday, and I totally had no time for my 2 new ideas of master piece!

Literature project need to present on Friday and we were only informed today! Plus with so many in-cooperatve people and absents, I've doubts that we can make a nice presentation. So if not good, you-know-who-to-blame. The 'core!'

Science de w/s I don't understand lorhs! Firstly is not taught yet, secondly the textbook only have less than 2 pages of the topic, and not many information was given, how about NO information was given?

So, ask you, I busy or not? of course la DUHHH! ;[
white hair are coming out soon and this is just the starting of term 3 omg-nessss ;[
I'm really tired le la, I can't juggle my time properly ;[ and I'm tired of using my mouth to breathe because of my blocked nose.

and and and! I shall now go back and do my homework! :(

♥ Too long to put.
posted by 落霞绘伈 on Monday, June 23, 2008 at 7:11 PM.
Firstly, happy bobba(bdae) to Lim Yew Yuan! :D
I'm older than him anyway.

Ok, I've been playing nuffnang, and explored, I looked at the referer, which means how people goes to your blog, and I realised something.

Remember www.crops88.ws ? I've become the official website of it liao, because if you search www.crops88.ws at google, first to pop out is mine! WOOOOTS! And three people searched that to come to my blog, I don't think it's the same person, I think it is people who are conned.

Went track. I have a bad habit of drinking gassy drinks straight after track. But not really that gassy la, abit diluted, like McDonalds one. I would buy the $1 because its $1 and not $1.10 or $1.30. So what if its expensive? If everyone buys it too, and get "cheated" I don't mind too.


time for the fugly meter!
PHUA SI MIN shall be the first one to be rated 10/10 fugly!
WHY? Cuz she today then give me my birthday present T.T
But at least she give, a frog pouch so cute! :D
Thank you SiMin, actually I don't like it at all de lor, I LOVE it! :D yay.

everyone's bobba-ing! So if aren't bobba-ing, start bobba-ing, as they say, if you can't beat them, join them! :D

Now this is some serious fugly matters I want to talk about.
that is this glasses/specs! called the forget-what-le. I think it looks damn fugly and fugly!
Look like housefly. zzz!
Fugly meter: 8.5/10!

♥ A good meaning
posted by 落霞绘伈 on Sunday, June 22, 2008 at 11:40 PM.
Thee's a meaning behind my blogskin.
Phyically infront lah. See, the theme is about love, and the blogger entry space de photoframe behind de words aren't any type of brush! It's words that I type and slunt it and then blurred it. Because I don't want you all to know what happen really. Maybe some people close to me will know. But I think no one knows the full story other than me and him bahs.

Hahahaha, okay, actually it's nothing to laugh about, just want to say that my skins aren't meaningless in anyway or so, so please appreciate thank you.

And I now hereby declare masterpiece #o3 is OFFICIAL woooots!

past-disasters shall bobba your socks man!

Moving on, doomsday is on 4 july 2008, so wish me luck alrights.

♥ Blogger hates me
posted by 落霞绘伈 on at 9:33 PM.
Yes, she hates me, in the morning! humph!
I was chiong-ing for a new skin. New format one, with navigaitions, and good ol'blogger don't want to start up!

Make me need use laptop which is damn laggy to do the editing.


I must warn you, the new skin I'm creating, a.k.a the 3rd masterpiece, it's going to be god-liek I tell you. Please don't be shocked! LOL.

Now everything is done just that I can't figure out the navigations pictures!

Shall go explpore now and let you see the shock of your life :D!


Okay I don't wish to offened anyone.
But I think those 'Boyfriend Tee' really sucks big time.
I know I wear them but I came to realise.
Why am I such a fool?

Ok firstly, they look like my father's clothes.

And why the hell are they called BOYFRIEND TEE?
It's like no link? I know this design kinda originated from boy's wear, but boyfriend has another different meaning!

Next, what's with all those folded sleeve ?!?!?! Although I really like the thingy witht he button that holds up the sleeve, but I think that you are preparing for a fight.

Eg, in cartoons, when you want to fight, you will like pull your sleeve/fold your sleeve up right?

And BF tees with those ugly checkered design? URGH!
At least if the colour is nice is still okay la, but then Bugis sell de those type of colours, look so dull and in fact fugly?(not all, but mostly)(fugly credits to simin :D)
And heck! Why are there people buying it?
And plain one lehs? When you never iron it, you look like you wearing tissue paper. ZACzacZAC.
Fugly meter : 8/10

NEXT. I want to say something about bucket bags.
AGAIN ,I don't know why people like it. Bucketbag to me, is like a casual-formal bag. half half.
So if you are wearing hot pants/ 3 quater pants, please don't carry it. because I dont think its nice. It looks fugly (credits to simin AGAIN)
AND I don't know why is it called bucket bag once again. So, overall I think it's not nice?
The bag don't look like a bucket right? The bag looks like a ball attached to a piece of string.
Fugly meter : 4/10

And then hor I really hate those people who have their blogskins and try to act is created by yourself. And don't credit. The picture is there, the layout EVERYTHING, font, font colour same. They just change a few words which are insignificant, and change the background, then they call it THEIR OWN?!
wth this is damn fugly! ZacZacZac
Fugly meter : 9.9/10

Enought of fugly-ness today see ya next time with mroe fugly-ness!

♥ Something you and I need to know
posted by 落霞绘伈 on Saturday, June 21, 2008 at 2:01 PM.
Hi people! :D

Do you know that if you search ahJIA! at yahoo.sg the first link to appear would be my blog!
OMG! bobba-ness!

I'm at Jer's house now and should really make use of this chance to go audi! So tata people!


I'm back!
Went causeway just now. bought this gold-white hp strap I've been looking for a very long time! A lot of places didn't sell, mini toons, pasar malam etc.
And I wouldn't have brought it if Eugene didn't lend me money :D YAY THANKS GENE!

IT'S GOLD.mai siaosiao

Then went back to 637 and after a while, I realized I lost my ez-link.
OH MY GAWD. bobba.
So I track back my way from bus stop to 637 LUCKILY.

I FOUND IT. Just beside a drain, a few more cm then inside drain liao :D
I don't know why it dropped there leh.
Anyway was bobba the relieved when I found it :D
I really have feeling will drop somewhere liao lorhs.
Becuase today didn't bring wallet, only ez-link and money, then ez-link put in pocket, AND I KNOW WILL DROP ONE LOR. SEE MY PREDICTION SO GOOD.

Right now I'm officially eating my first meal of the day :D
Maggie Mee. I didn't eat breakfast beause I woke up late.
Didn't ate lunch because I was lazy.
Didn't ate dinner because I want hurry rush home to watch show.
Didn't ate high/low tea.

I think I'm eating dipper. Because it's between dinner and supper.
Dinner+ Supper = Dinpper.
Although I would really prefer calling it a late dinner, but I want to act creative you know you know! ;)

&& Habbo gave me 5credits for NOTHING ;]

&& Why are there so many people bobba-ing me ar. (ya, I know I keep bobba-ing you all, you all don't need like that one ma ;[)

&&I'm meeting Bernard mummy on SATURDAY :D
&&Thanks Bernard for helping me figure out how to put the nuffnang ads :D

&&Wei Ming the noobface ps-ed me again today.

ANYWAY.. I'm 'tagged' by SiMin to do stupid quiz according to her.
And she is damn good, sabo me first. Nehmind, I shall make this quiz really stupid!

1. What disappoints you the most?
Something that disappoints me the most!
Ok, when no one wishes me on my birthday ;[

2. Where will you go if someone sponsors you a tour ticket?
Somewhere far and expensive..probably JAPAN.

3. What's your favorite thing to do?
I like to scold people bobba.

4. Do you think money can buy happiness?
Can bobba buy happiness?

5. If you can have one dream to come true, what would it be?
Don't tell you leh ;p

6. Do you believe you can survive without money?
Bobba can!

7. What are the qualities you look for in your future partner?
Must be a bobba!

8. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
I would do something bobba that you wouldn't know :D

9. What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you recently?
Bobba lorhs!

10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you? (Eliz)
Bobba, bobba and more bobba.

11. What makes you happy?
Many things :D

12. What type of person do you hate the most?
bobba people and modest people.

13. Where do you see yourself 10 years down the road?
have bobba lots of money

14. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
erm, the phy..thingy, you can move things without touching that one.
Yea, so I can take people's pants down without doing it hands on!

15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
Family :D

16. What do you do when you're alone?
I would talk to myself.

17. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?
None, if change, then it is not me liao.

18. One word to describe yourself.

19. What was your most unforgettable experience in school?
28 march's confession :D

20. What's my sexy name?
I don't what to write.. Let me copy simin.

Tag 5 ppl to do the quiz.

I shall chiong art, geography project and hopefully some newspaper article tomorrow, so NO COMPUTER FOR ME :D
If you see me online tomorrow, persuade me to log out and spam me like bobba!

♥ I'm glad
posted by 落霞绘伈 on Friday, June 20, 2008 at 10:41 PM.

I'm glad that my webcounter shot up to 160+ within 3 days!
Yipppeeee! But I don't have 160+ tags.
Proves that you all come view and don't tag me ar!
Don't think I don't know who you are, I know one kaykay~

&hols are ending! YAY! See I'm enthu to study you know.
Not like some people! sheesh
Later don't study become dumb ar!

Miraculously, I went for track again!
Ran 3000m! OMG! so SHORTTTTT MAN.

And to think 2.4km was soooooooo easy.
Life isn't easy. BOOOOOOO.

♥ Generosity invites some conning
posted by 落霞绘伈 on Thursday, June 19, 2008 at 10:56 PM.

Today went out with Serene, Hwee Chi and Pei Ying. Finally Hwee Chi and Serene can go out! :D!
Went orchard for shopping as planned.

But seems more like going for donations.

2 groups approached us to donate for charity. We donate to one. The second one me and Pei Ying run away so left Serene and Hwee Chi to 'donate' $2 for a pen.

The 'association' people don't look decent, all ah bengs, and zzz.

They say they have to help those people in who are an orphan in boys home.
And they are helping those kids to raise funds for 'dunno-what-reason' because these children cannot work.

I thought orphans should go to orphanage? And even if they really no money, because they don't have parents, the gorvenment will help right? Or like I said the orphanage would take them in.

So that stupid beng completely makes no sense. He say don't want the kids to follow into his footsteps and now he raising funds!

So when they entered boys home, they already follow the wrong step liao lor.
So he completely don't make sense at all lorhs.

And they aren't wearing any uniforms or show any license BLAHBLAHBLAH.

So the $2pen looks like this;
And the paper wrote :

This is not a Charitable Organisation

NEXT MILLIONAIR88 (USA) is an international compant in direct sales and internet maketing. Sales persons are being paid commission or sale credits (SC) based on products sold. There is no obligation for customers to purchase any products. This is an advertising and promotion campaign. *Project Code : (9802) crops international.

Thank you for your support!
www.crops88.ws (I.B.O)

Ok. At the backpage they give us another website: www.cropsinternational.com
At the front they gave us THIS website : www.crops88.ws

And they claim it to be their website. About the boys home thingy.

Butfirst one turns out to be some sort of sales project thingy?
And the pen is to be sold at $2.
Second one turns out to be some sort of shit.



Today did somethings really wild(?)
Know those bigbig posters with models wearing clothes outside branded stores?
We went to follow their pose!
(will upload soon)


Think of 20 people you can think of now:
1)Xue Ting
2)Hwee Chi
3)Pei Ying
5)Si Min
7)Wei Ming
11)Yew Yuan
13)Yeo Min
15)Ca on
16)Jean Seah
18)Guang Liang
20)Wei Xiong

How did you meet 14? (Vivien)
One lucky day in school :D
What will you do if you never met 1? (XueTing)
Then I would have one less friend ;(
What if 9 and 20 dated? (Ben&WeiXiong)
heh heh! Heard that one country allow gay marriages! :D
Will 6 and 17 date? (Rina&Audrey)
heh heh! One of them is taken by someone ;p
Describe 3. (Sonia)
She likes to laugh at ppl's height which is 160cm and she is not even 160! imagine how TALL is that
When is th last time you last spoke to 13? (YeoMin)
the last time i went to track training.
What is 2's favourite singer or band? (HweeChi)
i think its the Jonas Brother bahh. Right hweechi?
Would you ever date 4? (Serene)
I ain't les!
Would you ever date 1? (XueTing)
I ain't les!
Is 19 single? (Cheng)
YES! (i think...)
What is 10's last name? (Kitmun)
HEH HEH! i've got no idea.
Would you ever be in a relationship with 11? (yewyuan)
hahaha who knows?
School of 3? (PeiYing)
RGS. retarded girls school.
Where does 6 live? (Rina)
It's for me to know and for you to guess!
What is your favourite thing of 5? (Si Min)
All her japanese street wear?
Have you ever seen 2 naked? (HweeChi)
YES! duringcamp when we bathe in boys toilet (open space) but it wasn't intentional!

5 people to do this quiz:
peiying done liao, serene already kena tagged so..YEAAA!

♥ Free Slimming programme
posted by 落霞绘伈 on Wednesday, June 18, 2008 at 12:40 AM.
After a few minutes of slimming programme, Jer has sucessfully slim down PHYSICALLY and COMPUTERLY (?) By the magic of Photoshop!

Jer is my FIRST guinea pig! And he should be hourneres! Because he's the first. Sorry if my skills aren't that good! xDD

Presenting JER!

Please comment Thank you! :D

♥ My new friends:D
posted by 落霞绘伈 on Tuesday, June 17, 2008 at 6:06 PM.
Okay I got the pictures from my daddy's blog!

Qi Huang


♥ I really love...
posted by 落霞绘伈 on at 12:07 AM.

I met so many new friends lorhs!
And we had some influential words.
Eg. Bernard's 'nehmind'(nevermind) and Xue Ting's 'singTAIL'(singtel)
Awww. I miss chalet man! Let's meet up soon everyone! x3!

♥ Closer or further?
posted by 落霞绘伈 on Monday, June 16, 2008 at 11:38 PM.
I wonder if it makes us closer or further?
You are not the old her anymore.
And you've always been stealing my friends.
Yea, maybe it's their choice, but you were the one who initiated.

And yes, I think it's further.
And I don't want us to be close again, because you changed.
Like I said you aren't the old her anymore.

♥ I'm back from chalet!
posted by 落霞绘伈 on at 9:02 PM.
Chalet was damn fun!
But I've something more angry shall tell you later about what happened in chalet.

The first thing I'm angry about is the 2 cb-kia.
They say they want buy things from my blogshop, then when I just came back today, they all bloody cancel their bloody fucking orders.
2 in row.
It's a big blow for me you know!
I'm very pissssssssssssed off!
Note: Next time when you don't want to buy the thing, please inform me earlier so I won't have to waste my bloody smses on you people!


When me and XueTing went for the first day, we step into the room. Then we 'socialize' with everyone by playing poker! So the first thing we did was to play poker! And so we were attached to a clique, and they actually lived very near us! What an coincidence!

So the next one day we were together at almost all times!

BBQ food is WAY ABOVE STANDARD! (like real)

Now.. time to intro my new friends!(the clique)
-Bernard a.k.a my mummy! :D
-Andy a.k.a deadpig/ pig!
-Qi Huang a.k.a qingwa(frog)/eclipse
Okay they are fun & friendly! Wooohooo!
Bernard is damn bhb & zilian! Andy likes to irritates us. Qi Huang's the best liao lor!

Ton-ned, sleep only in the morning, and around 5.30am went to eat breakfast and went to see sunrise and Pasir Ris park. Unfortunately cannot see, because the clouds were covering. T.T Wasted trip, nahhh! So went back to sleep until 1pm+ and lalalala~

Until night time then went home~

♥ My lucky day or what?
posted by 落霞绘伈 on Saturday, June 14, 2008 at 11:42 PM.
Hi people!
Ok, today went meet XueTing at northpoint.
And guess what? Comics connection having mega relocation sale! Keychains at $0.50 and $1 soft toys at $2 pens&pencils at $0.50 watches at $5 and animes accessories at $5!
And the usual price are $3 more!

So I bought 2 pens, 2 pencils and 2 keychains.
All so bobba de nice!
But I bet all the nice things have been taken away. By ME ;)

Bought chocolate keychain! Same as Xue Ting :D

Then at interchange received one timezone flyer saying that there will be three free games (red swipe) if you present this flyer! So we went play like...DUH.

Played basketball as it's the only interesting red swipe game.

The end and that's my day:D

Chalet tomorrow and XueTing coming my house to ton!
And Jason finally can meet Xue Ting tomorrow liao!
Happy lorhs!


♥ It gets later everytime
posted by 落霞绘伈 on Friday, June 13, 2008 at 11:27 PM.

More late photos.
Of C girls :D

♥ Very late photos
posted by 落霞绘伈 on at 10:58 PM.

shall not elaborate on my title.
Went out with Rian XueTing & Zhi Wei to Bugis one day..

♥ swmming
posted by 落霞绘伈 on at 10:36 PM.
hi bobba people!
guess what? I went swimming today! Yay! Woohoo! Ohyea! OMG! BOBBA!
with Audrey, Jean & Dave.

I'm trying my best to use words to express my enthu-ness, I'm so not the least enthu.
Because ...


Anyway, there's something I'm happy about first is Jean consecutively mention my name in her blog thrice and
I CAN TON AT -AWE- CHALET omgomg! bobba-ness!
In case you all don't know, it's the first time I'm going to ton outside with my friends. :D
Shall really really go Habbo now, ciao bobba!
&I know you all are reading my blog, TAG LEH!

♥ Habbo Hotel!
posted by 落霞绘伈 on Wednesday, June 11, 2008 at 7:01 PM.

Introducing the very nice bake rice
Today went to eat pizza hut student meal! :D
Baked rice!
Damn damn the bobba nice lahh!

Just now was playing Habbohotel with simin.
Damn fun ! Keep bobba-ing.
Bobba is the censored word for vulgar words.
See me dive! :D

Don't hesitate, go play now! www.habbohotel.com.sg
Remember to say you're 18 and above

♥ I have a life :D thank you
posted by 落霞绘伈 on at 12:46 AM.
Hi people!
Let's talk about my life today.
Went out with Jer &co. Knowing that jer they all will be late so i asked them to meet us at 2pm then me and peiying meet at 2.2.pm so just nice will meet.

BUT.. they beat us at our own game! They were late for 66 min so they reach at around 3.06PM!!!!

So the next time we will plan to meet 2hours earlier so 1=them to be late and 1 more hour for them to wait for us!!

Continuing..Went AMK hub as there is a mega sale? But the things not attractive so didn't buy anything at all.

So we sat down somewhere and discuss where to go, i was reluctant to go back yishun and everyone was AGAINST MEEE, but decided to go yishun at last cuz everyone don't seem to budge AND I MAKE THE DECISION LEH! I say go yishun everyone go!

So cooooooool! okay, am i being happy at the simplest thing? The fact that is i'm not! I'm just satisfied.

So i read rachel's blog.
AND SHE bloooody put my quote friends are just company to your life without CREDITING me!
How could she not credit JiaLin-the-great?~?~!!

PUHHHH-LEAASHH. i know i never copyright it but you shouldn't!

If you did credit at least i would feel better you know!

&i nightlife-ed todayy! ^_^


♥ 20reasons
posted by 落霞绘伈 on Sunday, June 8, 2008 at 9:42 PM.

Give me 20 reasons why I shouldn't love all my 20 P.P(perfect pink) nails.
OMG I love my nails! It's pinkkk!
I do them one by one you know! With my heart! One dry liao then do the others!
That's why the result turn out well!

Let's move on.. to.. my life!
Did nothing the past few days because I want to save money.
(go out= need spend money)
So I stayed at home.. Nd nd nd! I made a skin for PEH PEI YING~
Go see see! Peiying's blog :D

ANDDD Please support my blogshop! visit www.shop-till-euu-drop.blogspot.com for cute & chio hoodies!

♥ Support me!
posted by 落霞绘伈 on at 9:28 PM.
for cute and chio hoodies!

♥ The history of DP.
posted by 落霞绘伈 on Thursday, June 5, 2008 at 11:30 PM.
Hello people.
I'm going for shopping spree tomorrow for dresses!
Hopefully I can buy something nice!
And I love Lee Xue Ting & Rina Tan Shi Hua!
I may hate them for the littest thing they do but I still love them the most because..they are my bestest bestest friend :D

I shall talk about DP.
To the earliest day. One day me and amelia and (forget who liao) went to this playground : DP. And so we sat on the 'bridge' which was bouncy and thought that it was fun. So we brought the whole clique there to play blind mice on this faithful day that rain. Despite the rain, we all were very 'on' so we don't mind the rain! And we slide down the slide filled with water with our school uniforms. That was when it was primary 6.

So on that faithful day, we all had fun falling down as it was slippery and almost everyone fall down but one or two never. According to my diary, DP wasn't in it because I threw the book away due to my laziness to update. But nevermind about it.

And hence we name DP=Dangerous Playground as it was dangerous. I remembered nicely that Jermiane piak down like a roti prata cuz she was trying to copy Jonathan's style.

This is the lai yuan of DP and if you were to ask my prisch clique about DP, I've faith that they will still remember it and its lai yuan :D

Broken Friendship
We used to vandalise things on it. One includes the picture of our clique and there saying forever friends. And just nice, just nice, when the vandalism are gone, the friendship is gone too. Maybe for them not gone yet la, but many are gone. With new people coming in and all~

We used to sit there whenever we are bored. We used to meet at there or the bridge when we are going out. The place is our usual hangout and we play blind mice there. Those were the days of my childhood. The beautiful one x3 :D

So its always me who take the initiative last time you all would take but it gets lesser and lesser and in the end there's no more. You all hide secrets from me. Have your own gatherings without me. Are you all taking advantage that I'm actually asking you all out so you all can predict that I will surely ask you all out so you all can save your breath?!?! And yea, you all hold all your little conference without me too.

And I've always replied all your messages until you all stopped. That was when I get everyone's message :Get your own life.

Yes I was rejected. Sadly, if you guys didn't did that, I wouldn't have known Rina and Xue Ting were always there beside me. So I need to thank you all in a way or so.

Thinking that you are innocent? I don't think so. Everyone did a part okay.
You knoww who you aree!

♥ Be a 'code' person
posted by 落霞绘伈 on Wednesday, June 4, 2008 at 11:31 PM.
127 words


Envy? Jealous?

Don't be because i's fake. You just have to be the sort of a html 'code' typa person yaknow'. and all it take its a few backspace and key in the number.
300 words


999 words


Can you be faster than 999? Sure you can, after knowing my trick! heh heh! Go out and trick your friends ! MUHAHAHAHA!

Alright, shall talk about my life today.
I nightlife-ed! Meet Jason, David and Rudy in the afternoon.
Then went to school to meet Wei Ming and Rina then pass up homework.
After that went to find Xue Ting. Then went to Rina's house.
And ate dinner with Rina.

And and and! I can't wait for next Sunday's -AWE- chalet! Although I'm not -AWE- but I'm fakely am. Anyway they don't check so....MUHAHAHAHAHA!

Sadly, I've decided not to buy the casssete bag cuz I don't think it worth buying it anyway and I need to buy my boy's cap and and my girl hangbag! Urgh! Money! Please drop down from the sky T.T

Regarding my skin. Yes I was motivated to do a skin when I see so many people doing theirs so I shall outdo them. Humphhh! I hope I did outdid them! :D As you can see the picture is mine. MINE kk. Lol! And I think it's better than last time one. It's more better aligned now and and its just better la.

So hope everyone like my skin anddd :DDD!

To everyone:
Wth regards to the continuation of the 'tag story' of the series 'raawring past disaster out loud' the first episode is on the tagboard at Pei Ying's blog and episode 2 is at mine.
Episode1- Tsunami vs Raawring
Episode2- Splash vs MyPastDisasters(?)

So people please sms! And vote you may stand a chance to hear peiying raawring live and hearing me talking about my disasters live!

So don't miss out this chance! Vote now! :D

♥ Mascot? Hmmm..
posted by 落霞绘伈 on at 1:38 AM.
Hello people!
Did I told you about the really cool bag i saw? Bet i didn't so, anyway, the bag looks like a radio/cassette and it's damn cool i tell you! I going buy it no matter what(?) But I need money la!

So where are all those freaking jobs?!?!

I'm tired of giving out flyers..sigh.

Anyway, I just searched the papers and found this :

looking for .......and students to work as a child entertainer wearing a mascot. Well pay for enthusiasts. Hey! Guess I could live with that so.. I smsed the number at 1am so i don't expect it to reply yet, so i shall keep my finger crossed for the sake of my bag! ><'''

♥ Strippppes of Zebras
posted by 落霞绘伈 on Monday, June 2, 2008 at 11:23 PM.
Firstly I wanna thank Yeo Min for giving me my very very very very very very very(etc.) belated birthday present! Thanks! Anyway my title Zebras isn't link to you.

So now let's move on to what my title says Strippppes of Zebras. I know some people who hang out in a group wear the same type of tees so that people will know that they are a group? People wer same colour, can, same design, can, same t-shirt can, BUT stripe shirts of different colours?!?!?

I once saw a group of people, 5people wearing stripes tees with different colours eg: personA black& purple. person B black&red personC. black&pink. You know what they look like to me? A Strippppes of Zebras with different species! ZZZ! Z for zebra! Zebra! You belong to the zoo, it's at Mandai not Bugis! ZZZ!

&more projects tomorrow! Yay! not!

♥ Presenting..
posted by 落霞绘伈 on at 5:43 PM.
The 'HOT' restaurant.
Hi people! Wondering what I'm talking about up there? Fret not! Because I'm going to explain it to you.

Since I, like to eat spicy stuff a lot a lot, so I got this idea of starting this restaurant called the 'HOT' restaurant.

This restaurant ONLY sells spicy stuff, and the level of spicyness will be categorize, Lol!

And no outside food or DRINKS are allowed.

Cuz I know many people would need to drink water cuz the food is very spicy so the drinks are set to a very HIGH price in order4 to earn money! And drinks are all gassy. (Gassy drinks makes it more hotter) And there will be no toilets in case they go take the tap water and drink!

See! I earn money leh! :D

Haha! Anyway, I won't do that in real life. Cuz I uphold honesty kk!

Ahh~ Whatever,

Now, let's talk about my life!
Yesterday, 1june2008
Went out with WeiMing & etc.

Went to track! After few days of slacking!
After that went for project and the end~

♥ AHHH Finally.
posted by 落霞绘伈 on Sunday, June 1, 2008 at 10:52 PM.
74 words
