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I can't believe I was THAT close into revealing to the person which was him itself. |
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F0r he was the guy, who eats the bread. He is not as high, but it seem like a threat. Twice our eyes met, making me go mad. I'm so mesmerized but I don't think he realised Sad as it can be, honey no longer love bee. I have a sudden urge longing for just another glance when will our heart merge in vain, i await you presence. Yes, if you understand the poem, i do like somebody ^^ hoho! anyway today NE programme was funnn! Had this board game thingi, and the lecturer admired our leadership and teamwork, so we get one pen. During our test/assessment, teacher admire our presentation and gave us another pen. Good job to edmund, jun ming, amanda, janice and of course, me :D Anyway, at the SingaporeDiscoveryCentre shop, had bought something great firstly is a pen, inked one, on top of it has a light that changes into colour from time to time and the design is great AND, it only costs $1 omfreaaak! If I was rich i could have bought 10 at once, i swear. Anyway I bought 2 purple and blue, nicenice :D |
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Yep yep! I love every Wednesday ar, because got drama! Woohooo! After school had NE ambassador programme, today's module was slightly better than all the previous ones. Made more new friends weee! Today's task is to build a tent that can withstand wind and can put two people inside it, using only newspapers and tape. And all the group succeeded okay. there's piano lessons tomorrow! wooohooo! |
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Work today had been damn fun cuz all the youngs were gathered like finally. It's like an eclipse to see the 3 of us working on the same shift, it's been a long time man. Work has been a breeze ever since A is gone. A really sucks know, when she was here, my counter was short of $30 and blahblah. And when I want to talk to Darwin she will just come disturb me, so of the weeks she was worknig here, around 3 weeks, she totally stopped me from having any conversations with Darwin. BODOH. So, I really don't like A please. I like Jing Jing a lot, she's like a older sister to me and each time I work counter with her, my money never short one. Then when we are bored we would chat over some casual stuff ^^. I like Darwin because we all started out together as new crew, although he likes to splash water, hit my hat, try to scare me etc, he's still very nice lor, at least nicer than A. I like Jun Yang because he the kind of typical boy like Jordan those type, but he's better than Jordan for sure. I miss ah eng sial! I miss all her lame jokes T.T . It will be like almost a year before I can see her again so sadded sial, I also like Doreen because both of them are young at the heart ^^ In conclusion, I jsut don't like A and I like everyone else. Of course I love the food there, I love gyoza to the max man especially the vinegar :D ANYWAY Friday is going to be another mahjong session, wooohooo! I'm a happy girl. i miss running. i miss having those sweat rolling down my neck. i miss having stiches. i miss conplaining how tired i am. i miss cross country. i miss forcing myself to continue running, and never to stop. |
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you can put the blame on me. |
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HELLO PEOPLE . This post is specially dedicated to Ng Guang Liang. This piece of infomation might be a propaganda but I strongly believed that this is 90% true. This guy, Ng Guang Liang, let's call him gl, easier. Gl to me is a big fat liar. Last year me and rina once confronted him. He said he is from mediacorp. let's start with mediacorp. He said he's a Dj, a yes 93.3 THEN he say he sing for mediacorp then eh say his play guitar for recording. WOW. HE CAN TALK SING PLAY AN INSTRUMENT. WOW. WOW. WOW. Firstly I think he can't sing, and I don't think his guitar skills are so good. if it's not good, how the hell you can do recording for mediacorp. Violin Let's move on, he claim his violin is grade 7 when last time he say he is just grade 2. After confronting him yesterday, he said he lie to us about the violin thing AND WHY WOULD HE? Grade 7 is such a nice grade! And the most RIDICULOUS thing is that HE himself is grade 7 and he don't know the name of the 4 strings of his violin. JUST FOUR TINY WEENY STRING BODOH. He claim that he didn't learn theory PLEASE LA, this is basic knowledge kays. even you never learnt theory also know one okay. Next, he claim that he is a MUSIC TEACHER omg! People, it's actually hard teaching people how to play violin when you don't know any basic knowledge about your instrument. He say he teach at MUSICAL CLINIC MUSI-CAL clinic. He told me the main dunno-hat is Mr peter what so I search yahoo online, only got music clinic, so I went, and there only got vocal lesson HELLO? can you differentiate Violin and Vocal? And when we were questioning about what instrument he teach, he pause, we thought it was surely guitar, but when Rina guessed that it was violin, he paused and say yes, like as if he was uncertain of what he is going lie next. So in order to prove his innocence, we asked him to bring his music grading certificates and know what he say the first day? I put my certificate at the music school. WTH please. If you don't have it just say. zzz. Where got people put at their studio one? even if you want to apply to be a music teacher there, you can just photocopy like what peisin said. moving on, we asked him to bring his violin and show us, then he say don't want la later everyone will come and take then play THEN WHEN HE BRING HIS GUITAR EVERYONE PLAY AND HE DON'T MIND. WHAT THE HELL. if you don't know how to play THEN JUST ADMIT IT GRADE 1 AND GRADE 7 FUCKING BIG DIFFERENCE BODOH. moving on, humph. This is about the chalet thing. Firstly, the class chalet is on NOVEMBER, now is only AUGUST and gl freaking want me to set the budget RIGHT NOW for the food. I couldn't think at once ma so I jsut gave his a $300 budget. So what if i gave you $350 or $400 ? Also not enought If i said $400 the class have enough ma? And I'm the social class leader please, I appreciate your help, but you are helping too much, know your roles can. ABOUT THE CLASS TREASURER. It's true I'm a better class treasurer than you please, I know I'm self-praising but admit it la, I'm seriously better. You don't have to show me attitude like "she want be class treasurer then she be lor" LIKE WTH type of attitude is this? I only said I want to keep the record book for the time being just to chase some people who didn't pay up for class fund. And everytime you chase people for class fund, your ways are simply useless, you write on the whiteboard, shout to the whole class then whter they will pay up lies with fate. DEY HELLO? No wonder the class fund money so little. Then me leh? I didn't inform the whole class, I've convinvcing methods and 'promotions' I told all the boys who usually never pay to pay at least $1first in case they know money, then I nagged at them. It's obvious who is the winner, loser :D AND when we went to confront you, you treated me and Rina like I'm the mastermind like that BUT I'M NOT PLEASE. I'm just a curious soul who WANTED TO EXPOSE YOU. BECAUSE YOU SUCK AT LYING. You make me sooooo freaking pisssed. And there will be a part 2 confronting session with you. Don't make me bring my violin to school i tell you although one of the string is gone I TELL YOU I GO BUY THE STRING AND PROVE YOU WRONGGGG. And you want people to believe you? Do you even believe yourself first? If you are not a liar, you would be my no. 1 bst 'boy' friend. And you still trust simin and illaisha they all so much, any idea why they came to the confront session? Is because they DON'T TRUST YOU TOO. If they trust you, I think they would stop me from confronting you. |
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Eh oh peeeps! Today after school had this test from the MOE to do research on us. So we were asked to do Maths or English paper. I think the standard is more ofPrimary6 and a little bit Secondary2 one. The the maths problem sum I go a lot questions not sure how to do sial! So the class wrote retarded answers in the blanks like putting I don't know inside. Guang Liang put my dad work 36 hours a day for his English composition. -.- (in case you don't understand why this is funny, is because one day only have 24 hours.) Don't know who said if you don't know how to continue your composition story, you can write to be continued. LAME DAO EH!! Pei Sin damn di siao. This maths question ask whats the degree of angle x since peisin also don't know how to do, she anyhow write a degree and put DEGREE CELSIUS Purposely sial! Anyway, did you know, Phelps the Olympic swimmer eat 12,000 calories of food everyday, which is 6 times more then what an average men consume reported by The New Paper. He seem like he has a lazy personality he only eat, sleep and swim. But he's great so who really cares if he's lazy. Anyway congrats to Team Singapore girls table tennis double for winning a silver medal :D Li Jia Wei partner sucks la, she keep hitting out leh! But cannot entirely blame them, because I think we can't do that good as well. |
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EH OH peeps! JiaLin once again brave thru the 'storm' and created a new skin! :D It was hard for me to decide whether I want to submit this skin or use this but in the end decided to use as I'm quite tired of the old look. So yea, I like it quite a lot, especially the picture, got if from www.flickr.com there de pictures all so nice can~ Blogging space seems smaller, so pictures need to put damn tiny, well who cares, as long as I think nice can liao :D Will be submitting the previous blogskin later in the afternoon. About today's IT lesson, was very the @!$#@!@ lorhs. I don't think the whole class knows what's he talking. Everytime when he 'teach' he ask us sit on the floor, click this and that then never tell us why, he thinks that the whole class have excellent memory, can remember every step. I think he should send us back to our computer then show us step by step work lorhs. Today, I askd him what's a keyframe, he say is a empty fishtank (not literally) . AND, what I' angry is when I asked him how to make animations that can make around like 1 picture change into 4 different picture within 1second, he tell me no such thing and he todl me to follow instruction. HELLO? Which part of me asking or anything is not following instructions? When you say there's no such things, I wan tto rpove you wrong, you go photobucket search animation. then you can find liao. He still say is a different thing, if it's not made in flash then tell us it is made by which software/programme?! And people thought I was purposely di-siaoing the teacher esp. *you-know-who* Please lorhs, I just want to learn more, and win the certificate win the contest blahlah etc. I think is you don't know the answer to my questions bahs. and when you are talking, i don't think half the class is listening, AND, the questions you answered me today I don't nkow what you are talking about. and with that, I end this WONDERFUL experience in IT lesson |
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HELLO PEEPS. today the NE thing was qutie fun. although it seem like another boring school day with EXTENDED hours. Anyway, Yoshinoya is going to have their company supermeet/retreat/function/dinner on 3 of november, so cool leh! Of course shopping must be done, heh heh. I want to buy new dress and new heels to go yippeeee! :D Anyway yesterday I scolded them back already, but not the full them so yea, still not satisfied yet. So while I was scolding yesterday, they went to complain to Mr Row, int eh end Mr Row didn't care. bleahh. and say I don't dare to talk when he appears, PLEASE LA, normal reaction can bodoh. Who so stupid to let him scold the fun have't even begin yet lorhs! In this case, they lose MUHAHAHA, expected already lorhs, look at what *dingdangdong* they are in. . . And with that I shall end this post, byebye! |
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hello peeps! I've come to blog due to popular demand woohooo! Today in MT lesson, our teacher told us about a 'activity' on how to summon ghost then they answer whatever qestions you ask them then they will answer and give you correct answers. So it's quite easy to do. You take a piece of paper write yes and no then you and your friend's fingers coil together then hold a pen, like this, you can successfully SUMMON A GHOST. woooots! Please la, where will happen lorhs, ghost also have pride one, where got you ask them come then they come? hahaha. So, xueting don't dare try with me. so superstitious! siansss lor, but I tried it with Rina at some quiet void deck. and nothing happen leh! and we sat there for like 20 min. sian diao lorhs. anyway I love Yee Chin x3 :D Went out with her to np with rina twice liao and its damn fun with her :D! ANYWAY I've some random thoughts
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eh oh eh oh! I finished another new skin :D yay. I'm not using it, but take a look okay? Click here for the skin. Got to go! Bye. |
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![]() ![]() ![]() Photos with shanghai friends! :D |
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This is my 365th post! :D woooots! Anyway I'm not happy at what happen in the mahjong game today. Okay see ar, normally when you want to 'eat' a tile, you can only eat the one that your left side throw out one, unless you want to win already. So this player in my group say that she only left one tile. By right, she is only able to eat a tile that someone has newly thrown out so she can win! and she do not need to bother if it is the left or right side. And not just eat from some throw out before one! Like that everyone can be winners liao lorhs. Then Rina and the teacher say they can eat the old ones, then others say cannot, so is it freaking can or cannot. Normally when you see people win, is they take one tile that someone just throw out then they win de, where got people just take the old tiles that has been throw out for so long? No sense lorhs please, and yes, you might say it is just a game, but hey, this just let the shanghai people show my unprofessionalism lorhs please, zaczaczac. Which, what you all say are wrong lorhs. Then make me fxuking paiseh infront of them lorhs, cheebye siol. !#@%$@!$@#$#%@$@#%$ Nd I remember clearly cannot anyhow take one lorhs. This is bobba de common sense pleaseee, somemore explaining to you still show me attitude. And the thing just happen to me, making all the players and ME so pissed off lorhs. players pissed at me, me pissed at them pissed off at me and pissed off at the rules. |
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Random thoughts!
I love my shanghai friends, not like Phua Si Min. Tomorrow need to do presentation to SH friends on the game, and then so many words is mispronounce lorhs! die liao die liao, very malu know! Hopefully, they just don't listen to me and no one will know that I pronounce it wrongly! ;D I belived SiMin tagged me to do this; The person who passed you this quiz is… 2. Your relationship with him/her is… My laogong! x3 3. Your 5 impressions of him/her She hates cheena people. She likes vampires She likes gackt nicholas and of coruse me, LOL. Her drama zai la. She ..nothing to say liao. 4. The most memorable thing she/he has done for you… I'm not so sure knowww! 5. The most memorable words she/he has said to you... I remembered she said something useful to me, but i forgot what is it liao. 6. If she/he becomes your lover, you will… become a lesbian! 7. If she/he becomes your lover, things she/he should improve on… Let's wait for her to be my lover first then we talk. 8. If she becomes your enemy, you will… bobba her! 10. The most desired thing you want to do for her now is… Be there for her when she needs someone [: (copy simin) 11. Your overall impression of him/her is… She' nice. 12. How you think people around you will feel about you? They will think that I work and play and go out everyday but still get passing grades, then think i tyco, but actually got secret de lorhs. . . 13. The characteristics you love about yourself are… I don't emo. 14. On the contrary, the characteristics you hate about yourself are.. Sometimes i talk to much and too loud. 15. The most ideal person you want to be is… I am the ideal person i wanna be, yea! 16. For people that care and like you, say something to them… I love you people too! Thanks for everything <3 (copy simin) 17. Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wish to know how they feel about you. 1 phuasimin 2 lauhweechi 3 serenelokeyanling 4 jeanseah 5 audreytiah 6 fadhil 7 limjunming 8 kinloong 9 vivienang 10 leexueting 18. Who is no.6 having a relationship with at the moment? Fad- fad is currently believed to be single and available right now! 19. Is no.9 a male or female? vivie- she both leh! She so shuai and chio. 20. If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing? JunMing&Xueting- who knows? They got to the same tuition centre leh. 21. How about no.8 and 5? kinloong&audrey- i think audrey got stead liao, and kinloong jio-ing someone else. hmmm? 22. What is no.2 studying? LauHweeChi- learning how to control ur temper when jialin is laming. 23. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3? serene- inschool. 24. What kind of music band does no.8 like? kinloong- donno leh, only know he like the sky. 25. Does no.1 has any siblings? simin-yeayea! 41. Is no.7 the sexiest girl in the world? JunMing- sexy? no, girl? yes. 42. Do you think its possible if no.4 and no.5 date each other? jean&audrey- they are alr each others darlings liao. 43. Say something more about no.6… Fadhil- he is my di! 44. What is your relationship with no.9… vivien- my honey! loveees! 45. Describe no. 8... ( Simin changed the question a bit :X ) kinloong-eh, he like the skies! |
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Was supposed to watch money no enough 2 yesterday xD! but didn'y managed uhs cuz all the tickets sold out, only 11pm plus then got, then so late le, need go home liao. And some more its the 7th month, so late at theatre skali... *cross fingers* So after work slacked a some playground then tio screen by police. First time eh! I thought only after 11pm then can, cuz we all need go home by 11pm. zaczaczac... after which went macs ate then walk walk and go home. Saw a motorbike accident at chongpang. Anwyay, my leg is damn pain lorhs, I can't bend my elgs, bend le will very pain, walk stairs, run jump whatever shyt also pain. Know why? Because I went to to 100 squads when I was bored. zaczaczac! Squads are you stand and squad stand and squad. Aiyooo, like the whatth siall! There's so many test! Next week there is science art and geography test T.T! Random thoughts;
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Yoyo! I really like all the shanghai pupils in our class lorhs! I'm close with all the 3 out of 4 as Pei Sin's buddy quite anti-social uhs. Anyway we've got names for them, my buddy is yaoyao(yao-shake?), guangliang's buddy is yuanyuan (yuan=far) peisin buddy is qing qing (qing=green) rina's buddy is tingting(xue ting de ting) Firstly, yuanyuan de piano skills are god-like bodoh! and i think he's cute >.< *blush* yea, Si Min, when you see this, don't go eeeeeee! or f or g :D &xueting think that he's cute too! He is 12 yrs old and he is grade 8! SO PRO MAN! Something funny is that our teacher taught them about some of our singlish, and ask them to be prepared and all, and tell them the definitions. Some of the famous so called 'singlish' words use in singapore accoridng to the teachers are;
Our sentences usually end with;
Rina Tan Shi Hua. Stay happy, be strong, my deepest condolence to your grandma. Lau Hwee Chi Sorry for pangsehing you these two days for the shanghai pupils, make you have to eat alone during recess, really really very sorry! Lee Xue Ting & Ng Guang Liang Thanks for pei-ing me the whole day with the shanghai pupils. |