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Hello peeeepo! Had English language paper 2 today. Well, it was difficult like wthhhhhh! The questions keep asking us to use your own word use your own words. Then hor, the vocabulary part some words understand, but don't know how explain! shitzxzxzxz! And and and! I understand the english passage one lorhs! But they question me like a CID questioning a suspect. It's like understand one, but they question me until don't understand liao! Summary was worst lorhs! I was serverely 'under word' and I only write very little points like 5-6? Sian laaaaa! I don't want to fail english again T.T Shall go mugmugmug with a mug! :D |
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Hello peeeeeepo! Today's the start of EOY :] woohoo, had Chinese paper 2 and English paper 1 today :D Chinese wasn't easy lorhs! T.T! English average. but not so easy fail la! After that went farmland-ing at Potato farmland! Brought a huge bunch of people there to eat. Got Shi Peng, Guang Liang, Amos, XueTing, Rina and HweeChi! Stupid JunMing pangseh us! humppph! Braved through the storm to get to the freaking library. I was drenched from head to toe lorhs! I look as if I just stepped out from shower without drynig myself. And when I finally found shelter, saw many irritating curious eyes staring at me! !@$@!~!~$~$% Okay, studied a little, then WeiMing and ZhongXian came to join me. After that ZhongXian went to take his zilian pic! (passport picture). They all send me to my house there, slack a while then went home! :D Pictures: |
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Wtffff! I tell you I'm damn pissed off with some matters. There she goes again, trying to copy every move I do, I talk, I eat, I wear -just simply everything. And she would spin a yard, trying to say it was an accident on purpose way. LIKE WHAT THE FUCK? and there she goes, trying to be oblivious to the situation and giving excuses beating about the bush. WHICH IN ACTUAL FACT, she's trying to copy me, by ACCIDENT. She's like my tail, doing whatever I've done after I done, and wearing the mask I just threw away. OKAY, MY BLOOD IS REALLY BOILING. Okay, you guys might say that she copy me because she 'idolize' me, and me being the more original one. BUT, AFTER SHE COPY IT, HOW ORIGINAL CAN IT BE? People not close to me can count on their instinct to decide who copy who. Yea, maybe you can say she not copying me and other also ___-ing the same thing as me. But isn't it much of a coincidence? I'm not sure if I should let her know how I feel, I know she's a reasonable person, but I'm afraid after telling her, it would feel very awkward and I might lose a very good friend. I think she treats me as a very good friend, that's why I fear that she would be too dissapointed in me. I don't want to let her think that she trust the wrong person. . . . . |
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alright people, I will make this real quick as I need go back to studying :D Now I shall show off something, as this shall be called the post of fame :D woohooo! okay the thing that I'm proud of is. . . . . . I go first for art in class! :D wooohoo! Okay, that's all the end. Jiayou to everyone for their exams. Toodles (my books are calling me to study them now! ) byee! **Edited. Wei Ming say I got one A, I get one chocolate, I got 4A, I got free swensen icecream! I think that goes the same for him too. Hopefully not the Swensen part x.X plsplspls.\ |
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hello people! I have something to say! Happy birthday to Joe! :D Let's move on, anyway today I bought a notebook for diary purposes as my diary ran out of pages. So this book have some really quaint buildings on it, and it's damn nice. And there wrote, Venezia. Hmmm? Venezia? I somehow had a feeling it looked like Venice when I look at the cover page, and Venezia sounds like Venice. So how much I hope it was Venice, and it was! And i'm damn happy, cuz venice had always been my dream city since primary6. I get to know Venice when I'm reading a storybook -.-' lame, I know. But this story book, has 4 series, and their setting is at Venice, and they have successfully describe and potray Venice as a veryveryvery nice place. So from then on, Venice became my favourite city and if it's country, then it's Italy cuz Venice is in Italy. |
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\ Communication is very important, sometimes you will mistake people who say I love you to you to I don't care. Woohooo! JiaLin is back from the frantic rush! I went to Orchard from AI in record breaking time AND back to chong pang in another record breaking time! Cheer please. Anyway today is also the worse day for me. I realised I didn't bring my ez-link to school today and had to borrow $5 from Serene, then chiong to Yishun MRT, then chiong to Takashimya, luckily I wasn't late, I was early by half an hour. whew. Bought gyoza to eat, then chat and it was my turn for the test! Everything went smoothly, (duh, me leh!) then when it was the question and answer time, I fare quite well, but got one question I was unsure of. Then the appearance check, my nails failed x.X but the tester was very lenient and accepted it:D After the test, it was around 4.45pm, and I had to chiong to Chongpang in the speed of light lorhs, my piano lesson starts at 5.30pm leh! So I went to the MRT, to buy standard ticket, and realised that I'm short of FREAKING 30 CENTS! omfg! So I hurry walk around to see any POSB atm machine, but only found DBS but in the end found it. whew. Anyway DBS very funny ar, DBSa nd POSB merge liao but then why at DBS one cannot withdraw money POSB, make everything so unconvienient sheesh! Chionged back to chongpang and was ten minute late for piano lesson! boooo! But overall, I learnt something, plan your time properly. But was happy today cuz I saw RAINIE when I was going back to yishun, he's very retarded la! I say hi to him then he enthusiastically said hi back, then he continue on what he was doing. AND I SAW DICKY TOO! He served me when I was buying gyoza, cuz gyoza need to send what, then I will be eating inside, so when he say thank you I will send you your order later, I whisper to him 'I will be inside' I don't know what the tester will think man, anyway, he was in a test just now >< Anyway, tomorrow's Joe's birthday wooohooo! And today is my Dad's birthday wooohooo! |
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You know what I really hate? I hate people who are modest, it will freaking annoy me even if it is my best friend. AND I hate being blame for when I'm not in the wrong. Anyway let's forget the whole 'wonderful' experience. After school went to meet Jer, woohoo, finally see him le:D And he say I'm taller already kays! Then went over to Rina's house and lalalala~ Anywayyyy, I want to thank SiMin for listenning to my rants laaaa~ Although don't really concern her, but she still listens and give advise :D Thanks Peabrain for being so siao in class. And Rina for some heart to heart talk. Shall end this post and go study literature liao, Thee go study on the double |
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Running away from the situation isn' going to remove in from the current circumstances. A minute's pleasure might be a forever's affection. work was great once again.was pretty funny at counter today.
Rina: (as it was rina's one rina replied:) I.. .ttt..ittt's. .. ss my...myyy.y.. ..one.. .one...eonnne.(purposely stammer back) and everyone was laughing. hoho. Yep, and that's my day :D What's yours? |
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yoyo peopo! School was great, as usual. After school went to woodlands library XueTing, HweeChi, Rina and PeiSin. First time going out with PeiSin. And a very long time since the clique went out again le. woohooo! While walking to the bus stop, we saw 965 coming, and we are far behind. I wouldn't want to wait for another 965 so. . . this funny thing happen, Hwee Chi scream, for who-knows-why, and I, Rina and Peisin also scream along. LOL. XueTing did scream, she scream 965 coming. So we all ran after the bus like some mad dogs, hoho, xue ting was the last to reach cuz she was running with water. When we all board the bus, we all keep laughing at ourselves. So went to library, to do homework, read books and borrow books. Then SOMEONE use SOMEONE's phone go prank call xueting, asking her if she want to donate kidney, xueting was like. . er. . no. She thought it was real, then in the end we found out it was a prank call. Cuz. .
So this time we prank call back. Shall not elaborate much, but there are 2 very funny ones. Absolutely me: we need 5 kidneys, can you fedex it to mumbai? him: ABSOLUTELY. The absolutely tone is like so. damn. funny please, I don't if it was alvin said it or who. MxxTxxBxxe rina: We all calling from MOS(ministry of sex) to do a survey. him: I'm from MOE. (lame answer.) rina: okay, have you ever masturbate before? him: (frantic laughs, uncontrollable laugh, giggles, and no reply from them) So overall today my day is great! |
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hello people! nowadays I've been many many novel to brush up my english for SA2. CA2's result is really something way out of my expectation lorhs. No matter how hard or how lousy my english is, I've never failed it, but this time, I failed, and is not those one mark only is five freaking mark! (Alliteration eh f.f= five freaking :D) Back to the subject of reading . . . I sometimes will go to the library once in a blue moon to borrow and read books, I normally only read love stories, I don't know why, but it's just a interest yea. I wouldnt't want to read something like a thriller or horror one cuz books are really something impactful to me, if the book is scary, I will be very scared and dare not go bath. hahaha. Speaking of impactful, I seriously love that word lorhs, it has a huge impact on me, I think only Jer knows that. BACK to reading again, i think I read at least 10 books a year on average. I remember during primary 6 I was a bookfreak. I adored Enid Blyton's books, secret seven, it totally rocks lorhs. I read the whole series lorhs! It's damn nice that I can finish 4 to 5 books of it per day, but I can only borrow 4 books everytime. AND, I loveeeee Ronald Dahl's storybooks lorhs! I read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Mathilda, seitrot, all within one day, I remember reading all Roanld Dahl's books, expect the elevator and danny the champion of the world. Next is Charlotte's web, finished it within one day too, and I cried at the end when the spider dies. T.T Jean Ure's book are also very nice, but they are not oftenly foudn in libraries. I remember I often went to the library for operation 'die-die-must-borrow-one-jean-ure's-book'. Also. comics like Axterix and the adventures of Tintin, i've read them all. Missing persons consisting of 4 books all read them all le, and now I'm just reading random novels. Recently read 2 books of Julie Ortlonto(Dunno if i spell correctly), the story are damn nice plsssss. |
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Tomorrow is payday. Wooohooo~ All my efforts surely have not been waste I guess. and just now de work is like so . . . busy? exhausting can, the people there like no end one eh, keep coming in and coming in, keep want to eateateat, hrmph! Today worked from 12 to 9 de but then when near closing at around 10 plus more people start to come ar, flooding the whole place, then food and water keep out of stock then blahblahblah. So due to this human flood, I had to stay and help until 10.10 pm -.-! Then I'm still stuck in the dumb building la! Wanted to exit using the link, and it's closed already! Then all the staircase exit all close also! sheeesh and all the people still remaining inside the buidling had to walk from here to there like a lost kid looking for that darn exit. But in the end found it la:D Trained back with Rina and Rafi then finally reach le. Okay, tomorrow will be my last day working cuz my dad damn bu shuang I went home late today cuz of the overflowing customer. Next Thursday having service excellence test at NAC so I need to really chiong there after history lessons. Boooo T.T This is just so not good lor, me and Daniel's time always classsssssssh one hate it man. |
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I feel that I'm away from all my clique, liek I sort of neglect Xue Ting. And nowadays are just work and work and work. But work isn't that bad either. Speaking of work, had lessons today, last lesson whew, -finally- Today got to know Alex. And I will miss Dicky, Rainie and lotlotlot more. About Rainie, HE is a boy. He don't look like a boy, like seriously, and HIS name don't even seem like a boy. So my colleague comfirmed his gender when they saw HIM at the boys toilet. Dicky thought he was in the wrong toilet somemore! hahahah:D ANYWAYYYY. After lesson, all train down to taka to watch RINA TAN SHI HUA worked. Then was bored ma, so everyone pei me back toYishun and eat! :D heh heh thansk alex dicky and rafi :D. Then I bough one apple pie, then I answered a call , then sitting beside me, I saw alex eating an apple pie, then i shocked i thought he steal mine and ate it. Then my one was just on the try. wthhhh mann. He buy apple pie I never notice sial! okay after that went home and a beautiful disasters happened. I'm not sure what I was thinking but I just did it. okay. I think I'm not revealing this top secret yea. evol 5 september 2008 |
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Today had piano lesson, same day as Rina. So before lesson, we went to our music school earlier to practice, we book one studio and played there for arond 2hours plusplus, halfway, Ang Pei Sin called me and asked me something regarding the music project. So when I picked up the call, Rina was playing the piano so peisin thought i having piano lesson PS: You having piano lesson ar? me: no la, we playing for fun. PS: then our music project how? me:dunno eh, -silence- PS: (starts to play the piano) me: (after playing) wow very nice eh, our music project how? PS: dunno eh me: (asks rina to play a song) PS: (after playing) very nice eh, our music project how? me: dunno eh -silence- PS:(plays the piano again) me: very nice eh, our project how? ----------this lame routine continues------------- me: our project how? PS: dunno eh, what i know is that we all dunno how! ------the end--------- |
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Wooohooo I love today! :D Basically had company training, with colleagues :D Of course we get to know many more people, and more closer for those whom I knew. Got to know Dicky a hugefathugefat guy woohoo, he's friendly. And got to know Huey Ying, Rafi and Joe more more better! During break time, Joe was smoking, and he performed this trick which he can blow out a O shape, which was damn cool la! After the training, which seemed like eternity, finally come to an end. It's like normal school days with extended lessons, but breaks almost every hour, kind of look like China's studying style. Took MRT back with everyone and went to Taka and eat my beef bowl with more onions :D Beef is healthy okay, cuz they put a triangle representing the healthier choice. Of course when there's work there's gossip & it's about me and someone ____ boooo! But shall not post it because it's not something negative yea! And hor, I miss Darwin and Jun yang mans! So long never see them at work liao, fine, whatever. At least my work is like full of fun lorhs, not like some people who pretend as if they have a job like that, don't even post about their colleague, so no life, booo. AND YOU, don't try to take advantage I'm pro at this so I agree to help you to do and you took it all for granted, firstly I may have agreed to help you do it when you asked me, but that doesn't mean you can take it for granted? You didn't even say thank you please. And seriously your 'that' skill sucks la hor don't everytime ask me do liao can. I'm busy. |
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heyhey peopo! I thought I was going to be free from monday to friday during holidays but hey, I'm wrong, I'm only totally free today, and semi free on thursday. Tomorrow I'm having company training or whatever shyttt, on thursday having piano lesson, friday company training AGAIN, and Saturday&Sunday is as usual workworkwork and more work. I'm going to complete all my homework by today and I mean it, although I can't, (because I've lsot some of my literature worksheets. And today I did nothing boooo. But I did many homework kays, okay I shall now go play the piano until my neighbours call the polcie and conplain. :D bye. |