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. . .at Douby Gaut! :D I really love douby gaut know, because when you walk out of the mrt station facing this plaza singapura at around 6pm+ with people walking in all directions, it really looks very nice. Apart fromt that, I like douby gaut because there's plaza singapura and in plaza singapura, there's yoshinoya! :D DAISO! and outside got This Fashion departmental store. So at first met Jun Ming at timezone, then he is supposed to treat me to play de lorhs! But in the end it was noisy and blah so he didn't. Headed down to Douby Gaut, then initially wanted to go eat first de, but then cannot find any suitable place( probably we are too fussy) Because I don't want eat fast food or fried food. Jun Ming wanted to eat BK, I want to eat Yoshi but jun ming don't want Yoshi and I don't want BK. Instead we got carried away by shopping in Daiso! We shopped for an hour! Shopping at Daiso will make you dizzy one know. Maily there are many people, then very cramped. The shop is also quite small, everywhere looks the same to you, you MIGHT get lost. &it's hard to look for the section you want to find. But in the end we did it! :D Jun Ming bought 101 different kinds of jiatpalang*? I just bought a carrier, cookies and a drink, all paid by limjunmnig as a belated christmas gift. NOTE: JunMing, I'm not paying back your $3 liao. Thank alot uhs ^^ After that walked down to somerset had late lunch at some random foodcourt, then went taka yoshinoya! Aldin talked to us and did those gay-ish *stunts*! After that, went Kinokuniya then home-ed. Let's move on with yesterday. Went to Rina's house to do homework. AND YES! I finished my maths assignments already but there's some questions I don't know how to do. Chinese and maths project will wait till school reopens then do! After that went to have dinner at ang mo kio with rina. Shopped, and Rina got too carried away! SHE DON'T LET ME ANSWER NATURE'S CALL. @#$^$*%$56@# her. But, afterall, I'm the young generation, can endure for quite a long time. Went to buy my handphone pouch beforeminitoons closed. Luckily, if not I will murder her with my bare hands! Humphhh! Now nature want me to pay for her roaming's phone bill :[ before I end, I wanna tell jun ming to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shaddup! |
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This thing happened last saturday. I was kinda glad I turn up for work afterall on that day. The attachment left me a last good impression of yoshinoya. Don't know why, but I just felt it was all better at marina square. I miss Yoshinoya marina square! Sighhhh! I don't know what's wrong with me lorhs. Ever since I officially resign, I thought i don't have friends anymore, cuz mainly my friends are from yoshi, but ever since yesterday and today it has proved me wrong. But some things are still not right. . . |
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Haishhh. . . . Today's my third last day, working at Yoshinoya. Quite sad la, going to leave everyone. I still remember the first day I worked is on the 17 of July 2008 and now is December already, so let's count, hmmmm. OHHHYEA! Its 5 months! :D Yay I worked for at Yoshi for approximately half year already. After being their slaves, following all the rules, tucking in shirt, wearing uniform and eating beef bowl my holiday is just like normal school day. Just that it is longer. And I bet I spend 3 quarter of my holiday at Orchard rather than at Yishun. Sigh, so much for being a devoted crew. But after Sunday, I'm free! Yayye! Finalllllly! I wouldn't be tied down by work to miss a date with my best friends, catching the latest movies and going bbq and chalets and all. But I will miss;
I think I mgiht consider joining at next year end cuz I wanna go company dinner >.< provided there's vacancy :D anyway goodluck to yoshinoya into finding more good crews yea. My journey at yoshinoya was quite a nice one:D Firstly I started as a 'rookie' at northpoint killing housefly everyday. Know quite a lot of aunties there and some young ones like Jub Yang Darwin and Jing Jing^^ But all quitted when NP outlet closed down for rennovation. Then things starts to get interesting at Taka. Get to know more fun people. At september that time, went for classes and get to know more fun people! Like Rainey and Dicky. And then move on to company dinner where I won the service superstar thingy which was like the best thing la! After that had some conflicts and all, and poof! I'm still at Yoshinoya. But not for long. |
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Finally I've decided to let it go, I'm going to resign from Yoshinoya! Jun Ming, Rina, Xue Ting and I have a plot. We purposely resign now so they will have no people for when x'mas come. hohoho! Xue ting only take leave so it's partially resigning cuz she might consider resigning when school reopens. Went for work halfway today then went home, said I was sick. Then at night went out with Jun Ming to habourfront. Ate at yoshinoya, and their service machiam sai. Serious, their crew still sit at the lobby with full uniform qiao jiao like ah beng ah seng like that. After that went vivo de daiso shopshop then I was looknig at every single thing, choosing what to buy, then weiming just take somethnig out from nowhere then stuff it to my hand. And the thing he sutff it on my hand was a fucknig cute and chio thing! It's a clothes kiaper with heart shape on it. hohoho I'm keeping for myself. At first was thiking of buying present for june de. Sigh, tomorrow have to go have a cup of coffee with kamachy inside the office. I don't feel like working tomorrow sial. sian. what can i do. they can dock my pay. |
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Yea lor, I'm a petty person, I don't want to help you with your blogskin because you didn't said thank you to me, yea Shi Peng, that person is ME. Do you know I have to help you look through your html codes letter by letter, just to help you fix your little sesame problems when you can just easily get a skin at www.blogskins.com. You can say I don't want help you ma, but how I know you were so ungratful? Maybe you were, but you didn't show it. Everytime I help you, you not only did not say thank you, after I send you the codes, you just didn't reply me at all after that if the codes are right. If the codes aren't right, you will reply me. Other times you will just go offline and that's all. And the reason why I wanted you to credit me when you asked me is because you did not say thank you to me, and you all would be there thinking just a thank you only ma, so what? So I'm here telling you, I'm a petty person. Everyone is petty okay, you too is if not you wouldn't post your reasonings. After exams, you also asked me to help you, I'm having my work and all, so naturally I said I was tired, which I really was. &I don't see there's a need to go to straight to your face cuz it's really a small thing. So I just told Si Min how I felt lorhs, like what I did in the past. And you said in your blog, "You can chose to not help the person if you think that his un-grateful and should'nt help him anymore." Yes, I think that you are ungrateful and I don't want to help you anymore. Period. &what type of trust you want me to put in you? "The gratful trust?" Firstly we are not very close friends we are just friends. So maybe you are grateful deep down but you don't show it and your closer friends will know, but I don't. And we are just friends for 1 year, I think is less than one year cuz I only started to really socialise with you at the end of the year there. &I'm really not clear what type of character you are. Serious. You said "can't you show some understanding if I am your friend. " Firstly, you may be my friend, but I may hate you. Guang Liang is my friend, but I don't trust him. Jonathan is my friend, but I don't understand him. Are you trying to somehow 'threaten' me by using the word friend? And do you think your scenario of asking-the-teacher-going-to-toilet has anything to link with this logically. Now we are saying about "helping" You ask the teacher is helping meh? ask and help is not the same kays. And why do you think that I need you to say thank you so much, cuz I have to strain my eyes to look at those html words. I admit I'm not a pro, so most of the timeI just kinda tyco tyco did some try and error. &By the way, I already stop the 'childish' thing long time ago right. Anyway this isn't really entirely childish, you should see the reason why someone hate someone else. Because she's bitchy, her voice too tehh. &Perhaps I have all these thinknig cuz I'm just petty like what you said. So be it. I'm done here unless you have something more to add. |
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I'm proud to say hellow wellow to you all! I'm proud to be a Yoshinoya crew that's for sure. There's nothing not to be proud of. In fact they should be proud of me. I spend endless time working for them, standing for long hours, trying to leave good impression on every customers so that they will come back again and all. &All I have to do is to make eye contact and smile at them, listen to them bullshit for 300 seconds then give them the orders and just say thank you. Anyway, I finally bought that wisma dress man yayye. I'm off today! &My piano thingy going to grade 1 le! yayyyyyyyyyyy! jiayouu~ The bad thnig is WeiMing pangseh me today to go for his shooting chalet. Sigh. Well, nevermind, today had piano lesson again, before that went to meet HweeChi and ate longjohn. Ate at the new longjohn and it's frekaing cold there can. If I'm the person doing the chaps report, their ambience confirm get zero lorhs, freaking cold how to eat, not as if their food really very hot. sheesh. |
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YAYY! Vaneessa's back, she my new friend from pepper lunch :D Remember that time I said we all line up in one row in Yoshinoya and stare at pepper lunch de people? One of them is the girl who kept smiling back at us despite us staring at her. So the next day after the stare she was gone, until today. It's like weeks know! Then she told us she went overseas when I went in to buy salad. She's quite friendly actually. So had work today. As usual. Ever since the Friday Frantic rush, we had learn to be clever. We put A LOT of utensils behind our utensils container for backup in case we finish it. cuz our backup don't know how to top up. zzz. We prepare and stock up everything until like siao, put lid everywhere, put dessert spoon below fridge. It's like we are ready for any war, but there wasn't even any frantic rush. ZZZZ Friday's one lasted for 2-3 hrs today one, today only like freaking 1 hr. sian. Actually I kinda like rush hour, if only I'm the backup, I would love it to bits. I really have to go finish my Julie Ortolon novel cuz I wanna buy the PS: I lvoe you novel asap, so jaiyou jialin! READ FASTER YA. ANYWAY, on 6nov, just now, I went to withdraw money, then I notice the balance like a lot and is like A LOT. which means, MY PAY COME LIAO WOOHOOOO YAYYY YIPEEE. I'm going to buy that dress that I've been eyeing on at Wisma eveyr since last month! It's painful know, everyday walk past the shop on the way to work and can't buy it cuz I'm late for work or I have no money, BUT NO MORE, IT'S GOING TO BE MINE TOMORROW HOHOHO. |
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Hellllo peeeepo! It's been 101 days ever since I blogged. On Thursday went for dinner treats with WeiMing again, this time, we ate at Fisheros at Takashimaya^^ Then the service crew damn funny lorhs, he angmoh one, then keep speaking to us in chinese, then he talk damn fast, so I ask him to repeat like 4 times -.-' But the fish was damn tender and although it's just one piece and a few fries, but it was quite filling. :D After that walk from Orchard to Somerset, to Douby Gaut, plaza sing, then to City hall. Was tired la! But the street lightings continued all the way from Orchard to City hall and it's damn chio lorhs! After that went home hohoho. Well, i'm just back from work and I'm here posting. Yesterday worked till 10pm! And i was dead beat tired. I think I'm aging a lot. some symptoms are :
Anyway, I really don't like Taka de pepper lunch de people lorhs. Although there got a lot of shuai ges not like Yoshinoya :x They like to compete to Yoshinoya to see who can shout Irashamasei louder lorhs, but too bad, Yoshinoya louder lorhs! The person giving the mailers in front like to stare at us, but too bad they only got one person, we once gathered the whole of lobby and counter crew to stand in 1 whole row of yoshinoya's entrance and stare at them without smiling. &I 100%plus chop yoshinoya's sales is higher then theirs. See ar, 1 beef value meal plus one drink is approximately $8, and you can finish it within 5min. whereas pepper lunch, one meal cost $8.90+$1.50 then you have to sit down for your order to be send to you, which is 5min, then you sizzle it for another 5 min, then you let it cool down for 2 min (the hotplate is damn hot) then you eat at least 10min right, so total 22min eh! & somemore their lobby is damn small, so yoshinoya win alr lorhs. And somemore our takeout so easy pack one, pepper lunch is like wthhhh. Then you have to wait for the person to eat finish!HAIYO WHY SO LONG?! then all the pepper lunch customer fly to yoshinoya. So conclusion yoshinoya is still the best. And few days ago there was one crew from pepper lunch who came and buy ice milo. So i said "pepper lunch no ice milo ar?" him: "no have" me: *past the milo "ya lor pepper lunch so noob" him: *nods* (he blur) "huh what you say?" me: "pepper lunch so noob no ice milo" him: *smilesmile and walks away* This 'enmity' between us and pepper lunch will never cease. Maybe among the young generation only. But how come we never make enemy with Mos Burger huh? It's like mos burger and pepper lunch and yoshinoya never clash at all de leh. hmmm. Maybe its cuz they sell burgers, and we sell rice. These few days have 2 newcomers so I wanna say "WELCOME ABOARD!" to them, although they wouldn't see this for sure. Anyway do I really sound as if I hate pepper lunch a lot? Sorry if i am yea, but I like their pepper rice and their spicy tuna shake shake salad, damn nice! I believe I spend half of my holidays working, sighhhhh. Tomorrow is my payday, had to treat aunty eat, then I'm going to solo shopping till siao at this fashion departmental store, followed by bugis street shopping then go yoshinoya find rainey! :D It's like 101years since the last time I see Rainey. But i just talked to him few days ago. AND I HAVEN'T FINISH MY HOMEWORK YET. i don't know how do project and chinese! shyttt la, I forget how do graph, double shyt, my chinese formal writing format I think mix informal and formal inside. aiya whatever le la. Shall go charge my battery now, my life battery, before i really break down. byeee |